Middle Schoolers Are Embarrassed by Their Parents, and It’s on Video!


I’m a mom of a toddler and a preschooler who still run and jump into my arms when I pick them up from school every day. So it’s almost impossible to think there will come a time where this excitement will shift, and they will be too cool to think everything I do is awesome.

I know it’ll happen, and I’ll do my best to embrace that stage of life. In the meantime, maybe I can learn a tip or two from California middle school teacher @7thgradechronicles, who shared a hilarious video where he asked his middle schoolers what their parents or guardians do that make them cringe.

I might have expected yelling, “I love you!” at drop off, but no, their answers were downright hysterical. Who knew watching NCIS could be cause for humiliation?

If you’re a parent or guardian, take note. These are the things that middle schoolers don’t want you to be doing.

  • Using Facebook.
  • Taking mirror selfies.
  • Listening to Katy Perry.
  • Watching NCIS.
  • Hanging up positivity signs in your home, like “Live, Laugh, Love.”
  • Making your kids order off the kids’ menu.
  • Wearing a speedo.
  • Saying, “that’s tight!”
  • Dancing on TikTok.
  • Wearing boots and shorts together.
  • Buying Fortnite underwear for your kids.

What parents do that make middle schoolers cringe. #middleschool #teachersoftiktok #teacherlife #teacher #teachertok #7thgrade

♬ Gettin’ Jiggy Wit It – Will Smith

This list has me thinking. Can parents still watch American Idol since Katy Perry is a judge? Are all boot + short combos offensive, or just some? Is Instagram OK, since Facebook and TikTok are off the table? How can we keep up with these unrealistic rules that our preteens have set for us?!

I’ll keep cherishing the precious, fleeting moments of my 4-and-under girls and hope one day, if I do choose to embarrass them, they will dance with me like @andreabloom2’s high schooler. One can only hope.


#teen #donegal #teenager #embarrassing #funny #takethedayoffchallenge #canttouchthis #highschool #momsoftiktok

♬ Can’t Touch This – The Greatest Hit Squad

If you’re a middle school teacher, what have causes your middle schoolers to be embarrassed by their parents? Come and share in our WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook.

Plus, 10 things that only happen when you teach middle school.


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